Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Hecks!

So, I know this is late in coming, because I've been here headed on four months and this is the first official post about all of my Hecks... BUT! Really. It's hard to get all of us in one place and when we do THAT... it's hard to get all of us still enough for a picture! =)

 These are my parents here. Mr. David and Miss Debbie. I am blessed to live in their home. It is a place of constant work and laughter, of trying to do better, a welcome spot for friends and family of all ages. It's pretty big. There's always room for one more. :) And it's yellow. They are so giving. So fun. I love how they love one another. Mr. David is so hard working and patient. Miss Debbie lives her life for her family and sews the most adorable things. They both live for God in all that they do.

They have 5 wonderful blessings and 2 precious grandblessings with another 1 on the way. <3 <3 <3

Ashley~ who is married to Nathan (a totally AWESOME brother of mine who is the reason I'm here in MO!), and mother of Madison and Hallie (two little blonde beauties who make my world that much more full of sugar!), is one of the cutest little ladies in the whole world, super talented, makes me laugh every time we're together, is my Monday Buddy, looks good in everything she puts on, and makes the most amazing chocolate chip cookies ever!

Josh~ who is just barely older than I am, randomly speaks in German, is very nice and thoughtful, though don't tell anyone, he wants to be thought of as grumpy (ha ha), plays the guitar and sings while making me very happy, is a good, hard worker, and an excellent song leader!

 Candice~ who is as close to being a sister to me without actually being related as anyone could ever be, has the most gorgeous hair and looks too adorable in curls, shares her really cute clothes with me and counts down to fun events in the same way I do, is my swinging buddy, I love cooking, doing dishes, walking, talking, laughing too hard... with her. In short, for real, my sister here!

Bob~ who makes me smile a lot, has the same best friend that I do, likes to sing, is enjoying learning to drive, is one of Carter's very favorite people, is fun to talk to, and will even sit between the two carseats in the back of my car and be called "Dad" for an hour while playing house because he is that cool!

and Dustin~ who has more energy than anyone I know, makes awesome Lego creations, isn't scared of anything, all the little kids love to play with, especially dress up, and always comes to greet me when I get home and gives me a big hug!

This is Dutchess. She's one of the funniest and most loving doggies. I've always wanted a dog, and we've got a good one. She is so excited when I get home and shows how much she loves me, sometimes by stepping on my feet, but always by her happy licks. I love her!

Uncle Daniel, Aunt Chas, and their gorgeous girlies, Aubrie and Rylee, are super di duper special people in my Missouri world. They are so much fun to play with, talk to. We're zoo buddies, dance to music and giggle, giggle, giggle partners. Even texting... =) Uncle Daniel is Mr. David's brother. So we're all one big happy family. Really. Look at all of us!

We had a wonderful time down at Carol and Russ' (Grandma and Grandpa's) for Labor Day weekend. This family knows how to have a good time! We spend it TOGETHER! A Christian family IS the biggest blessing ever!

And of course, I can't tell about my Hecks without talking about my sweet kiddos and their amazing daddy! Darren, McKenna, and Carter are big pieces of my world now. I see them 6 days a week and the only thing that could be better than that is seeing them 7! They make me smile, dance, sing, and laugh. We pray, read, cuddle, clean, cook, run and swing together... Everything throughout my day makes me think of my kid. I love this little family with all my heart!

Dustin's sign on the mailbox for me when I came home from one of my trips just made my day~ They treat me like this is home, this is life, we're a family. And I couldn't ask for anything more wonderful!!

I am so blessed to be a "Heck" for a while.
Even if "my family" is nuts, they're MY crazy nuts, and scarily, I fit right in...

I love our life. Our home. Our hope of Heaven together forever. Because once you get to know this family, you will never want to NOT know them. And they are headed towards Heaven, so you want to be as well. 

~Count your blessings. Don't forget to call them by name!~


  1. I do love this post! Because it has all of my favorite people in it! I love all of your wonderful pictures, your kind words (which are really too kind) and your always positive, uplifting spirit. I love you sweetie!


  2. what a sweet post, kara! thank you for sharing. :)

  3. O.k. All caught up, since I have commented on this one before. Oh...and you do fit right it. Bwahahaha!!!

    Love you.
