Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Snow and Fellowship!

January has been a very busy month!!!!

And it's had lots of funnnnnnesssss in it, too!
One of my very favorite things was that it finally snowed!!! Granted, for people who've grown up in MO, this was not much snow, but for this GA girl, this was pretty "normal" for snow, and that means, it hardly ever happens and when it does happen, you drop everything, you dance in the falling snow, you run around in it, you play in it right then... and you LOVE it! :) Soooo... That's just what I did!
And what my babies did with me. We had a blast! (And btw~ My Baby Boy is lookin' WAYYYYYYY too big!!)
Especially sledding. Oh. It was a GOOD. DAY!
Her giggles when going down this little hill were fantastic. I can't wait for it to snow bunches and for us to really get to go sledding! I love that we ending our swimming days during the summer with cups of hot chocolate, and that during the winter, we come in and sit in front of the fire with hot chocolate still. I love having little buddies to share my favorite snacks with! =)
One of the things that I just LOVE about being out here are all the Bible Studies that happen once a month that are open for the study and growth and fellowship! 
The Young Adult Nights...Where I am encouraged to really STUDY my Bible. Where I get great advice and see good examples of people bringing up their kiddos in the Lord...
The Teen Devos... Where we come together in a wonderful home to encourage one another to no end with praises to our GOD! Where sweet young kiddos' voices blend with the teens', and the parents'...
And Monthly Singings... One Sunday morning this month I went to Higginsville to hear one of my dads preach-- he was AWESOME! That lesson will stay with me forever. And then what fun it was to make and have lunch together! I love it when people let me just "be at home" with them, meaning like I'm not company... just part of the family. Working together with the girls in the kitchen reminded me of being at home with my sisters and mom when I was younger... and it made me happy! <3

Our Monthly Ladies' Class... it is a joy every month to spend an evening with the ladies from several congregations studying deep, meaningful lessons, praying together and for each other, fellowship and laughing and hugging. It is a night that I look forward to all month. And it was extra neat to get to "host" this Ladies' Class, thanks to Darren letting me use the house.

So, you see, it's been a very busy month, a very Bible-related month, and a very blessed month!! If this is any indication of what the rest of the year will be like... BRING IT ON! =D

1 comment:

  1. Have I mentioned that I am glad you live in Missouri?

    Yep. I am.

